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昌港有限公司成立於1991年,乃香港罐頭、葡萄酒及其他中西食品進出口與批發經營專家。昌港是“港味牌”、“億萬牌”、“高寶牌”及“翔龍牌”四個品牌的香港、澳門總代理,同時還是廈門“古龍牌”、雲南“德和牌”和意大利 “維多利亞牌” 各類罐頭食品香港和澳門地區的獨家經銷商。
本公司所經銷之罐頭食品及各國優質餐酒種類豐富、規格齊全。銷售網遍佈全港各大超市和百貨公司,包括:百佳、惠康、華潤、佳寶、永旺(香港)百貨、華豐國貨、裕華國貨等。昌港有限公司是美心、大家樂、必勝客和肯德基等大型餐飲集團的長期供應商,著名批發商 - 元利隆、亞洲辦館、榮生祥、偉華洋行和澳門星華貿易有限公司均是我們長期重要合作伙伴。
Strong Harbour Ltd had established in Hong Kong since 1991 and has built a reputation for excellent service and high quality products. We specialize in importing and exporting canned foods, wines, table wines, vermicelli, etc. Currently we are the sole distributor of "Gangwei", "Eman", "Copo", "Xianglong", "Xiamen Gulong" and "Yunnan The Ho" quality brands in Hong Kong. We are also a local distributor of global wine with different brand range. We provide different variety range of canned food with high quality. Our products available in supermarket, catering group, and whole sellers. Our sources are from Asia, Europe and America. Our best selected wines imported from France, Germany, Australia, and Lebanon chateaus. Strong Harbour is capable of providing products and services that could meet customer satisfaction through the implementation of ISO9001 Quality Management System; including continuous improvement of the Management System and compliance with customer and legal requirements. With the implementation of ISO9001, Strong Harbour is devoted to provide safe and satisfaction products and service quality for our customers.
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